by Writer | Christian Living
“Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness” . (2 Corinthians 12:9) The Lord is known to say things once and end with, “I the Lord have spoken”; but in the verse above case, three times, He emphasises this point. ...
by Writer | Christian Living
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you” (Isaiah 43:2). Reflecting on the Exodus, the Jordan Crossing led by...
by Writer | Christian Living
Waiting on God for anything is a blessed period in anyone’s life because it is at those times we are closest to God and desperately, carefully and attentively chasing after Him. A time comes however, when the fulfilment of the promise comes to pass and all those...
by Writer | Christian Living
While there are different interpretations and expressions of who God is, this post refers strictly to the God of the Bible. The sovereign God whose name is Lord. Even the Bible acknowledges the variety of gods when it declares and then asks: “O God, Your way is...
by Writer | Christian Living
Does this hallowed ‘h’ word send shivers down your spine? Do you cringe or roll your eyes at the sound or appearance of holiness? Does it sound like a life free of fun, enjoyment and worldly satisfaction? Is it a threat to your #YOLO resolution of living your best...
by Writer | Christian Living
It may sound like a broken record speaking about Jesus’ humility and how we are to learn from Him as a model and embodiment of humility. However, the depths, magnitude and significance of this humility would never be appreciated if we do not consider...
by Writer | Christian Living
We know and acknowledge truth until it applies to us. There are probably areas of our lives that we’ve resolved would never work out for us and so given up hope that we would rather hold on to our hopelessness than believe truth – God. A few...
by Writer | Christian Living
Few things can be compared to the peace a state of childlikeness and simplicity of life and mind bring. The greatest temptation with knowledge is the tendency to show it off. We want people to know we know; especially when we’ve been told we don’t know. Finally...