
  • God is supreme
  • Jesus is God
  • The Holy Spirit is God
  • The biblical Creation Story is how the world came into being.
  • Jesus came to this world, was killed, rose and ascended into Heaven.
  • Christianity is Truth.
  • The Bible is the infallible Word of God.
  • The Holy Bible is Truth.
  • The events in the Bible happened exactly as recorded.
  • The Bible hold the solution to all problems in life.
  • There is no purpose for man outside God.
  • There is life after death.
  • Some will never know God because he has abandoned them (Romans 1:20).
  • Some were chosen before time to be saved, some were created for destruction, aka – The Doctrine of Predestination.
  • No one who has been chosen by God is beyond redemption despite their sin.
  • To be saved once is not the be saved all.
  • Jesus Christ is coming back sooner than later to judge all men and reign as King on the new earth.
  • When the World passes away, the Word of God will remain.
  • Christianity does not evolve.
  • God does not evolve!