The Project
Note: This section was lifted from the Instagram page of Sermons On The Go which is where it began. Due to the character limit on Instagram, it became imperative for us to own our personal space on the web. References to ‘social media’ and ‘pictures’ were said with the Instagram audience in mind.
The 27th of October, 2020 clocked 1,000 days since I began studying the Holy Bible personally.
1,000 days is of no effect to God (Psalm 90:4) but I consider my life prior to the 1,000 days of studying the Word and the day I write this and what can I say?
I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it has POWER to save and transform.
I do not look like the same person, talk like the same person, think like the same person not act life the same person. I am a testimony of the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ especially when you know and experience It for yourself.
I never set out on a journey to study my Bible for 1,000 days and counting, as a matter of fact, I noticed that I was ‘on a roll’ when I was 700+ days in and I couldn’t place where it all began.
This was simply an intentional effort to know God for myself and there I was, 700+ days through rain, sun, storms, trials, good and bad days – I had always studied the Bible. This brought a lot of encouragement and proof that indeed, where there is a will, there is a way.
I think of particular days before I noticed this streak and wonder how I was able to study the Bible on such hard days but it became clear that the Bible had become an addiction. It had become a substance that I went to for a ‘fix’. It had become my drug. My hope. My source of life and peace.
I met Jesus Christ on those pages, I met God on those pages, I found freedom, I found life.
“… but thou shalt meditate on It day and night…” (Joshua 1:8)
I cannot claim to always be thinking about the Word of God but I realised that during or after reading a particular verse of Scripture, it suddenly came alive to me in a way than I had previously thought it.
These revelations of the Word were gems which I never wanted to forget so as they came to me, I recorded them in my phone whether I was brushing my teeth, making my hair or cooking a meal. I recorded them ‘on the go’ as they were laid on my heart.
I loathe what social media has become and didn’t want to actively be involved in it but I wondered how I was going to share these gems, as the Apostles said,
“For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20)
I couldn’t keep these things to myself so I told my biological sister that I was going to post the videos like that regardless of my appearance. She was a voice of reason and advised how posting the videos, some of which had me in some ‘unsharing-worthy’ states would detract listeners from The Message and leave them focusing on a rather unpresentable presenter. She also advised how sharing on social media was the best way to reach lost souls, a resting place for many of such, so what better way?
Again, through studying the Word, coupled with a lot of Christian history, I wondered why the Bible was not having the radical effects it once had on previous generations on my generation. Nothing had changed from the Bible, not a punctuation mark, so WHY was it not working in we, 21st Century products?
In the past, people heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ and there was a radical, transmogrifying effect on their lives. They found true freedom and not the perverse self-gratifying, lustful freedom modern Christians claim to have in order to absolve themselves of true Christian living.
The answer was clear, that people are not really looking for the Gospel for its saving power but for a source of selfish empowerment. People are not looking for Jesus to become their Lord but only their Saviour. 21st Century Christians love the empowering parts of the Word of God but not the transforming – mirroring parts.
We would not have the double-edged Sword effect of the Word in our hearts but prefer a kitchen-knife effect. We pick and select the parts that look nice and post it in the bio section of a profile, claiming ‘Child of God’, you liar!
We claim we are Christian but dress the same way, talk the same way, keep the same friends, go to the same places, spend money the same way…how dare we insult the Gospel of Jesus Christ which has POWER to save? Where is the power in our lives? This breathing Word of God has been reduced to an affirmation handout, serving a self-centered generation. The same Gospel that turned Apostle Paul from chief sinner to hardest working Apostle who was martyred for the faith leaves us the same way. How dare we claim Christian?
This depravity is why Christianity has lost its once coveted value in the world. Christianity today is everything that true Christianity is not.
With this unease and pain in my heart, merged with a growing knowledge of the Word of God, ‘Sermons On The Go’ was birthed to share the untainted Gospel of Jesus Christ and the way of true Christian living.
Officially launched on the 1,000th day of an interrupted study of the Word of God as my little token of appreciation to what God has done in my life, Sermons On The Go is unapologetically sharing God’s Word.
If you come with an open heart, you will find the Word of God piercing and transforming your life like it did mine. You will find a desire to personally know God and not through ‘spiritual figures/mentors’ or even worse, through social media (you will not know God on this page, you will be directed to know God for yourself), you will eventually find true freedom and most importantly, strive to stay free.
The Poster is dead to this world, has no fear of man nor seeks to please any man. My allegiance is to the cross of Calvary where an invaluable sacrifice was paid for me through the Propitiation of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
In essence, the mission of this Evangelical Project is to frighten as many people to Heaven for eternity and their soul’s sake!
Unfortunately, the lazy reader will not benefit from this page as no ‘pretty’ pictures will be posted here. All posts are word-heavy and require diligence and concentration from serious hearts.
All views of The Poster are backed up and inspired by Biblical exegesis and as such will encourage readers to refer to the Holy Bible for views perceived as gratuitously stringent or conservative. On that ground, there will be no appeal.
You are officially welcome to Sermons On The Go!
- I pray for you that as you engage with these posts, you will discover Truth and grow in your knowledge of God.
- I pray that you will find your purpose in God and for God.
- I pray that you will build others up as God builds you up.
- I pray that you will be welcome into heaven at the end of your earthly sojourn.
- I pray for myself that when I have preached to others, I will not be a castaway, disqualified from receiving the Crown of Righteousness.
- I pray that we will all finish strong.
All these I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
“Because we understand our fearful responsibility to the Lord, we work hard to persuade others. God knows we are sincere, and I hope you know this, too” (2 Corinthians 5:11)