Could easily be mistaken for the other but having personally experienced both, the poster will shed light on the tremendous difference between these two concepts.
Salvation: Romans 10:9 says that he who confesses ‘Jesus is Lord’ with their mouth and believes in their heart that God raised Him from the dead, such persons will be saved.
There is the mouth factor and there is the heart factor. Firstly, if you say it with your mouth that Jesus is Lord but in your heart questioning whether Jesus is really alive and whether He is really reigning at the right Hand of God, you are NOT saved.
Secondly, if you believe that Christ is risen in your heart but you do not say it with your mouth, whether for shame from what others might think or whether from refusal to acknowledge Jesus as Lord over your entire life, you are NOT saved.
Therefore, salvation comes by an open declaration and belief in the FINISHED work of Christ! (Yes, that ‘easy’!)
Now, when we are saved, we are born again but just as babies born into the world by our earthly mothers, we have experienced a spiritual birth by our Heavenly Father. We are as clueless as babies, we need to be fed, nurtured, helped and directed.
This process is called Conversion. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul pleads with us to be renewed in our minds because of the mercies of God. This is because as at the time of salvation, we still have the same mind as when we were yet to be saved.
However, we CANNOT function in this spiritual race with the same depraved mind that ruled us when we were under the rulership of satan. This is why our minds must be renewed and there is only ONE way and that is by feeding on the Word of God.
The Poster was a fat kid and loved her meals and by the grace of God, is experiencing this same love and need for the Food of God. As this Word takes root in us, it begins to bring forth fruits in us called Conversion.
We begin to look at everything different. Every single thing – whether it’s a little headache or whether to wear a polka dotted or plain dress.
You are completely transformed in every area of your life because your mind, your heart which out of which all the issues of life flows is renewed and new.
This is why we are told to GROW in the grace and knowledge of God. It is not that you are not saved. Your belief in Jesus’ death and resurrection has saved you but conversion is a CRITICAL ELEMENT of salvation.
How do you say you have been saved by a gospel which the Bible says is the ‘Power Of God’ (Romans 1:16) and completely remain the same? Common, you liar. Certainly not the salvation of the Almighty God.
Conversion is the EXPERIENTIAL part of salvation. We don’t experience salvation. We don’t see salvation. What we do see in ourselves and by others in us is conversion.
Jesus said to Peter, ‘when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren’ (Luke 22:32).
It is not that Peter was not saved. Jesus had previously asked Peter who others said He was and who Peter said He was. Peter had told Him that others said He was a Prophet and others said He was Elijah but as for Peter, He knew that Jesus was the Messiah, the Saviour of the World, The Son of God.
Jesus confirmed this and told Peter not to tell anyone because it was not flesh and blood which had revealed that to him but the Spirit of God.
Despite this certain belief in who Jesus was and in His power to save, Jesus still told Peter to strengthen his brethren when he was converted and when was Peter converted? In Acts 2 when the Holy Ghost came mightily on him and he was 8,000 souls in a matter of weeks.
Christian, WHEN will you be converted? The question is not whether you are saved; “Even the demons believe” (James 2:19).
When will you let the Spirit of God (His Word) dwell richly in you until your entire mind and whole being is transmogrified?
You cheat no one but yourself when you refuse to be converted. The Bible talks about the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God.
When will you begin to experience these depths of wealth? It is not discovered outside of His Word and will NEVER be revealed to a depraved mind.
When will you stop quoting preachers and start quoting Scriptures?
The Bible says that God has blessed us with EVERY Spiritual blessing in Christ. How many have you experienced? Spiritual blessings are NOT for heaven. They are for here on earth. What is the norm in heaven cannot be a blessing in heaven.
“Dear friends, even though we are talking this way, we really don’t believe it applies to you. We are confident that you are meant for better things, things that come with salvation.”
(Hebrews 6:9 )
‘Things that accompany salvation.’
Salvation comes with things. Better things. Where are the better things you have experienced? It isn’t just about getting saved i.e. belief in the finished work of Christ by declaring with our mouths and believing in our hearts that Jesus is the risen Lord, but about growing to attain the better things that come with Salvation.
Do you not want Christ to be formed in you? Do you not want to see the POWER of the Gospel? Taste and SEE! The Gospel IS powerful! The Gospel IS freedom!
Paul said, “My dear children! Once again, just like a mother in childbirth, I feel the same kind of pain for you until Christ’s nature is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19).
He had experienced this formation of Christ in himself and desperately wished of those who had believed in Christ’s work in the Galatian Churches who he initially wrote the letter to to experience the same birth.
Is Christ being formed in you? Note that this is a never ending process. We only reach perfection when Christ returns (Philippians 1:6). So we never stop being transformed.
We never stop discovering the depth of God. This is why we might find one who has genuinely been walking with God for decades still amazed at new things they daily learn about God. New revelations from God Himself.
The question is have you experienced any yet? How long have you been saved? You SHOULD have and BE growing. You should be transforming. Your mind should be renewing.
Not just for you to know but for the “gossip” to be going around as in the case of Paul, “but they only HEARD: ‘He who once persecuted us now preaches the faith that he once tried to destroy’ (Galatians 1:23).
What is being HEARD about you?
Note that it is very possible to have one or the other. It is possible to be converted but not saved which only makes one a Pharisee i.e. doing all the right things but not believing in the finished work of Christ and on the other hand, believing in the finished work of Christ but not doing that which each individual must do to be converted.
The advise will be do both! Be saved and be converted. There’s no necessary order to it but I sat say that conversion is a delight when one believes in Christ’s resurrection and reign.
To be ‘converted’ without salvation is synonymous to being a white-washed sepulchre.
Christian, your belief in the resurrection of Christ has saved you but I plead with you because of God’s mercies and for your soul’s nourishment sake, BE CONVERTED.
God BLESS you.