
‘…What is your life?…’

(James 4:16) 

Every creation starts with a concept. People who create begin by coming up with an idea in their minds. 

Most inventors would say they asked themselves, ‘What if?’ 

What if there was a way of transporting ourselves in the air free from the obstacles of road transportation? There goes the aeroplane!

What if we could have a taxi pick us right up where we are in seconds? There goes #Uber! 

Etc. etc. 

Every single one of us is the manifestation of the great Creator’s idea.  

He says to Himself about each of us, ‘What if I created this girl who would get into many troubles in life but I will choose as a vessel of My mercy and embarrassing love to the praise of My Name?’ 

Then you have this writer…

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, and before you were born, I set you apart— I appointed you prophet to the nations” 

(Jeremiah‬ ‭1:5‬)

What God was saying to Jeremiah is essentially, “Stop looking at what you see in the mirror and thinking that is all there is to you. You are a concept I brought to life. I asked Myself, ‘What if I created a young man and appointed Him as a prophet to the nations? He would look at himself and be discouraged at the thought of doing anything for Me but I will work mightily through him.’” 

“Yet before the sons were even born and had not done anything good or bad—so that God’s purpose and choice might stand not because of works but because of Him who calls— As it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated”

(Romans‬ ‭9:11,13‬) 

God loved the concept of Jacob before he was even planted in Rebecca’s womb. He turned out to be a lying man who stole his brother’s birthright but that of was no effect to his Creator’s pre-ordained affection towards him. 

“…You are not your own”

(1 Corinthians 6:19)

I don’t know about you, but for this writer, that’s one of the most liberating declarations of the Holy Bible. 

So glad I’m yours, Lord,
So glad I’m yours.
So glad your mercy has followed me.
So glad you found me and set me free
So glad I’m yours, Lord, so glad I’m yours.”

What our utmost prayer and heart’s desire should be is never to be out of the Creator’s perfect will and purpose for the concepts He brought to life in us. 

What would the Wright Brothers say if aeroplanes were driven on roads or sailed on seas? #Selah.  


“The Christian God is always looking for people to save.”

– S.O Olatunji

“The only liberty a saint has is the liberty not to use his liberty.”

– Oswald Chambers 

“Never confuse the trial of faith with the ordinary discipline of life, because a great deal of what we call the trial of faith is the inevitable result of being alive.”

– Oswald Chambers 

“To read the Bible according to God’s providential order in your circumstances is the only way to read it, viz., in the blood and passion of personal life.”

-Oswald Chambers 

“The words of the Lord hurt and offend until there is nothing left to be hurt or offended. “

– Oswald Chambers 

“God’s purpose is not simply to make us beautiful, plump grapes, but to make us grapes so that He may squeeze the sweetness out of us.”

-Oswald Chambers

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